The Soundtrack To Your Affair Because Music Heals All

It is often said that music can heal all wounds. So you had an affair, big deal, right? Majority of people have them nowadays. Musicians included. So we have put together a delicious soundtrack with some delightful insight to helping you feel better about your affair. Be excited about it and not bummed out.You are wonderful. You are in good hands with these musicians.

Our Favorite Tunes

Amy Winehouse – You Know I’m No Good

Let’s kick if off with a very sexy ballad by the late Miss. Amy Winehouse and You Know I’m No Good. The lyrics “I cheated myself like I knew I would, I told you I was trouble, you know that I’m no good.” Rings true to every cheater out there who was a bad boy whoever told someone that they probably wouldn’t be able to stay faithful. We have all heard this speech before, but sometimes the bad boy or girl inside us wins.

Trey Songz – Last Time

his amazing piece of music tells us the story of how sometimes you just cannot get enough of that one person in your life who you can’t stay away from.

Musicians have scandals, they work through them and they become stronger. Just look at Jay-Z and Beyonce

The Smiths – Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This Before

A brutal story of how sometimes while you love someone and want to be with them, you just don’t simply love them as much as you used to. Yet, you can’t let them go. This rings true to so many of us. Sometimes you just love someone enough to keep them around, but not enough to be with them.

Want a really kickass play list full of songs about cheating and having affairs? Check it out here.

Lorde and Disclosure – Magnets

This one is a song about stealing someone’s man in front of everyone. It’s devious, but it happens. Who can’t say that they have never been there? However, she sets her radar for a man in a relationship just to tear them apart and oh boy, she’s does not feel bad about it at all. Lorde is a straight up gangsta.

Michael Jackson – Girlfriend

This is a song where Michael straight up says I am going to tell your boyfriend what we have been doing. The fact that he pairs this song up with a soothing upbeat tempo, makes it that much more amazing. You actually want him to tell her boyfriend what is going on.

Rihanna – Unfaithful

The songs is literally called unfaithful so you know what it’s going to be about. She sings about how even though she knows that her boyfriend knows she unfaithful and how much it hurts him, she is still going to keep doing it. However, she can’t leave because she doesn’t want to hurt him more.

Don’t get bored listing to the same songs over and over again. Check out a whole new playlist for yourself. Spinditty has your back.

Whether you are a singer, an actor or an athlete, not everyone can remain faithful to who you are with. Need a list of more celebrities who have cheated? CLICK HERE for a full list of those stars who have been unfaithful.

Have this playlist playing in the background when you meet someone new tonight from one of our recommended affair dating websites.



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